Congratulations on The First Year in Your New Car!

Like sands through the hour glass, so are the miles on the odometer. This year has passed by quicker than mile markers on the highway, and we sincerely hope you have enjoyed the purchase you made at Ardmore Toyota. But our relationship doesn't have to end here. We will be ready to help with all of your automotive needs.
The Annual Check Up
Vehicle maintenance requirements can vary greatly depending on type, the way the vehicle is used, and what the manufacturer requires. The manual that came with your car will give you a rough schedule of what needs to be done and when, but chances are you're coming up on a big one.
It depends on your model and driving habits, but a 15,000-mile maintenance package will generally include an oil and filter change, tire rotation, and inspection of virtually all the moving components of the vehicle. This may include brakes, exhaust system, tires, battery and charging systems, cooling system, and many other components. The certified technicians at Ardmore Toyota might also recommend other services, like greasing the hinges, changing the cabin air filter, engine air filter, fuel filter, and other components. These services can be discussed, but be sure to preserve your factory warranty by, at the minimum, following your owner’s manual guidelines for critical services, such as lubrication, fluid changes, and inspections.
One of the important aspects of the 15,000-mile service is that it gets you in to see a professional, and you’re likely due for an oil change anyway. The super-long maintenance intervals that are sometimes recommended by owners’ manuals, or are included in maintenance packages provided by manufacturers, can make drivers forget that their car does in fact require regular oversight. There are so many complex systems and so many variables in the type of use (environmental, what fuels you use, how the vehicle is driven, how many miles, etc.) that to not have your car carefully looked over at least annually could become a penny-wise and pound-foolish approach to maintenance.
Future Maintenance
Also, steer clear of the neighborhood quick-lube type places, which may use “universal” fluids, cheap filters, and less-than-stellar technicians. While these shops do serve a specific market and provide a valuable service to many, you and your car will benefit by having qualified technicians who are trained specifically on your make and model perform the routine maintenance with factory-approved parts and a keen eye for inspecting your vehicle.
When you're ready for that all important annual check up, schedule your service online or visit us in person. You will always remain a valued customer to us, and we hope you will always trust us to answer your vehicle service needs. Happy Driving!