Ardmore Toyota

Ardmore Toyota

Sales 610-756-1263 | 219 E. Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, PA 19003

Is It Time to Trade-In Your Bought-Out Lease?

Many people decide to buy out their leases at the end of their lease agreement, whether it’s the easiest choice at the time, or you just weren’t ready to part with your amazing vehicle. However, maybe you’ve been eyeing the latest features from brand-new Toyota models, or you’re ready for a change. Your bought-out lease could be an outstanding value to trade in on your next vehicle. 

Now’s the Time

With Ardmore Toyota hoping to acquire more high-quality pre-owned inventory, our sales team can make generous offers on pre-owned models. If you recently bought out your lease from Ardmore Toyota, we may be able to offer you an even more competitive trade-in offer. Your current vehicle may be eligible to be sold as a Certified Pre-Owned Toyota, which gives it even more value as a trade.

Detailed Service Records

Because leased models are required to follow factory-scheduled maintenance at a Toyota dealership, your recently bought-out lease has an immaculate, well-documented service record. We know your previously leased vehicle has been well-cared for by factory-trained technicians, giving you more buying power. Thanks to your diligence, we can confidently put your trade-in into our pre-owned inventory knowing that it will be reliable for years to come. 

Ready to upgrade to the next great thing from Toyota? Contact the Ardmore Toyota team today. We want your recently bought-out leased vehicle, and we have an inventory of 2023 and 2024 models with all the latest and greatest features from Toyota. Contact us online today or visit the dealership to get a competitive offer on your trade-in when you decided to upgrade with Ardmore Toyota.

Want to get started on the appraisal process? The Ardmore Toyota team makes it quick and easy. Just contact us today to get started!